10 DIY Valentine Heart Crafts to Make for or With Kiddos
Ever noticed just how many tasty treat recipes and DIYs pop up around Valentine’s? Outside of Christmas, it seems folks go gaga for cute crafts. Yes, we’ve been trawling Pinterest. Again. This time we’ve found some adorable heart crafts – in case you want to get crafty with the kids.
While some of these can be made by kids (with the steady, helping hand of an adult), there are a couple that you’ll want to make as a gift. Happy crafting!
Valentine Heart Crafts
1. Paper Heart Bracelet (via Merriment Design): Get crafty with paper. These pretty heart shaped friendship bracelets will keep the kiddos busy for a while.
2. Felt Heart Mobile (via Sew Yeah): This would make a sweet DIY gift for a little ones nursery. Love the simple trick this maker uses to bring a little color to the cheeks of each heart.
3. Valentine Candy Heart Bracelet (via Lolly Jane): A crafty idea that you can also eat! Yes please.
4. Valentine Heart Shaped Crayons (via The Nerds Wife): Now here’s a reason to hang onto those old broken crayons. Love how the maker gives them a fresh new scent too.
5. Heart Hope Dream Catcher (via MollyMoo Crafts): There’s a bit of wire manipulation needed with this craft, but the end result is totally worth it.
6. Crayon Valentine Box (via Pumpkin & a Princess): This blogger has a cool hack for making crayon boxes look way prettier.
7. Valentine Mailbox (via Dream a Little Bigger): Wondering what to do with all those Valentine cards? Make a cute mailbox to store them in. All you need is a cardboard box, a bit of creativity and your little helpers.
8. Glittered Heart Boxes (via Design Improvised): Cool little trinket boxes are great for hiding treats and jewels. And look at all that sparkly stuff! What a great excuse for going crazy with the glitter.
9. Popsicle Valentine Hearts (via Make & Do Crew): You’ll never go wrong with a popsicle stick craft. Take this one. It’s easy to make and the kids can really go to town, expressing their individual creative styles.
10. Valentine Marble Salt Dough (via Two Daloo): A fun way to play with color. Plus you get a cute heart shaped ornament to hang in your home.
That’s our roundup of heart crafts to make for and with the kiddos. What’s your fave?