Poop gifts for kids of all ages - eat, sleep, poop printable FP

9 Gross, Funny and Stinkingly Cute Poop Gifts for the Kiddos

Poop gifts for kids of all ages - poop cushions
Image courtesy of Etsy.com

Don’t judge, but I thought it’d be fun to share a few poop gifts with you.

You see the youngest munchkins in my family are simply obsessed with the brown stuff, as well as with anything that sounds remotely fart like. When they’re not pretending to fluctuate on my person, it’s actually kinda funny. But then it would be funny to a big kidster like me.

So, in honor of all toilet-humor-loving kiddos (and grown folks too) here’s a little selection of gross, funny and stinkingly cute poopy gift ideas.

Poop Gifts for Kids of all Ages

Poop gifts for kids of all ages - eat, sleep, poop printable

1. Eat, Sleep, Poop Printable: Beautiful typography on a crisp with background makes for an appealing poop gift. How good would look in a monochrome themed nursery? Or any nursery for that matter.

Poop gifts for kids of all ages - poop cushions

2. Poop Pillow Cushion: These adorable, fleecy kawaii style pillows are just the thing for squishy cuddle time on the sofa. All you have to do now is decide whether to go for traditional poop or unicorn poop. Better still, get both.

Poop gifts for kids of all ages - poop has a purpose book

3. Even Poop Has a Purpose Book: Ah, a poop gift that’s not only humorous, but educational too. It tells the tale of a young boy named Skippy who is afraid of potty time. Slowly but surely, Skippy starts to learn about poo and the loo until one day, he’s no longer afraid. A great book filled with funny rhymes and awesome illustrations.

Poop gifts for kids of all ages - bag of poop

4. Bag of Poop: You’re either giggling like a big kid or cringing in disgust at this next poop gift. Still, most little ones seem to like the gross stuff, so… It’s kind of scary how realistic fake stool can look these days. But it’s the wording ‘bag of poop’ that adds that extra layer of hilarity.

There’s also another version of this poopy gift – the big steaming ‘sack of s***’. But you’re probably better off reserving that treasure for your adult friends.

Poop gifts for kids of all ages - onesise with poop happens slogan

5. Poop Happens Onesie: It sure does. And you might be tempted to get more than one of these because of that very fact.

Poop gifts for kids of all ages - poopy head game

6. Poopy Head: This is essentially a card sequence game where players have to wear a poopy headband. The one with the most poop on the head by the end of the game, is declared the loser. Nice! Not sure how long you could play this without getting bored, but for kids aged 5 or 6 with a silly sense of humor, this will make a fun poopy gag gift.

Poop gifts for kids of all ages - Despicable Me fart blaster

7. Despicable Me Fart Blaster: OK, this isn’t technically a poop gift, as such, but it’s related. And it does come fully loaded with some realistically gross sounding farts. Nasty! But funny at the same time. Little tricksers will get a buzz out of the delayed reaction feature. Set the timer, plant the device close (but out of sight) to unsuspecting granny dozing on the sofa, then take cover and let the good gags roll.

Poop gifts for kids of all ages - fart book

8. The Fart Book: And just in case you need another flatulence themed gift, here’s a book all about disgusting farts. It even comes with free audio effects.

Poop gifts for kids of all ages - poop pillow doll

9. Personalized Emoji Poop Pillow Doll: Loving all things emoji and this big squishy (and fortunately clean), pile of hot steaming poo is just too cute. A great addition to your list of fun poop gifts for the kiddos.

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