These Father-Daughter Shirts Are as Sweet as Can Be

We totally dig father-daughter shirts. The funnier and cuter, the better. With Father’s Day whizzing up real fast, what better way to make a declaration of father-daughter love, than to kit them out in adorable matching shirts for the day. That’s not to say that a daddy-daughter shirt is just for Father’s Day. Everyday can be a mini-me dress with daddy day. If you like.
We’ve picked out 10 darling father-daughter combos for babies, toddlers and big kids. All of these make sweet gifts for your brother or brother-in-law with child. OK, so they aren’t strictly just for daddy-daughters, but today is all about the girls (and their poppas).
Father Daughter Shirts
1. Honey Bee and Hive T shirt Set: “I’ve got a heart full of honey, thanks to my favorite little bee.” How sweet is that? We are just loving the geometric design of these hand-printed father-daughter shirts. We’re also digging the fact that they’re shipped out in the cutest little cotton gift bags.
2. ‘I’ve Created a Monster’ And Me Matching Shirts: The default color is black for daddy and yellow for baby, but we couldn’t care less about the color. We just can’t stop smiling at this set. The print is retro cool, and the outfit for baby will make her look like… er, a baby monster. Albeit a cute one.
3. Father Child Pizza T Shirts: Pizza anyone? While you could say that wearing matching outfits with your kid is kinda cheese-y, you can’t ignore the total adorableness that comes with these pizza inspired shirts. We certainly wouldn’t turn our nose up at a big slice of father-daughter cheesiness.
4. Kite Surfing Daddy-Baby Girl Tees: Yes, these monochrome shirts are simple. But they’re also arty and playful too. Perfect for outdoorsy dad-daughter duos. Oh, did we mention the kite surfing design is lovingly printed by hand?
5. Oak Tree & Acorn T Shirt Twinset: Because the acorn never falls too far from the tree. You’ve just got to love the simplicity and meaning behind these shirts for dads with daughters.
6. Playing with Cars Father’s Day Shirts: For poppas and kiddos who think of nothing better than tinkering with cars. This combo has the ‘Fast and the Furious’ vibe written all over them. The car-crazed father of your niece will appreciate wearing a shirt that shares their passion.
8. Big Nerd Little Nerd Father-Daughter T-Shirts: Yet another example of a super simple shirt, done right. The caption is original, and the graphics are bold, but in a low-key sort of a way. Father and daughter are sure to look on point in this nerdy chic combination.
9. Super Dad and Daughter Sidekick Tees: A fab combo for a hardworking superhero dad and mini sidekick. The prints remind us of those zany fight captions from old comic books. Gotta love a little slapstick action.
10. Team Coffee Matching Daddy Daughter Shirts: Donut even get us started on this father-daughter set. OK, cheesy puns aside, we think the coffee and donut graphic on these shirts are simply superb. Perfect for coffee loving dads everywhere.
That’s our list of adorable father-daughter shirts. What’s your fave?
Thanks for sharing! Great collection!
Pleasure Ruta 🙂