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Disney Princess Royal Castle

All the wonders of a true fairytale, neatly packaged together in a magical Disney Princess Royal Castle theme.

If you’ve got a girlie girl among the kids you buy for, then you’ll know that anything pink and princess-like is going to go down a treat.

I know. I’ve got very girlie niece and she’d love this.

Despite the fact that all 5 of her last birthday’s have been princess themed and that she has a million other toy castles, palaces and princess dolls to play with.

This Disney Princess Castle is spread across two levels and it comes with a bunch of accessories and furniture pieces. It’s pretty fancy.

Just add a few choice dolls and oodles of imagination.

Who Will Love the Disney Princess Royal Castle?

Let’s be real here, the manufacturers are certainly targeting girls aged 3-10 years, what with all the pinkness and all.

Still there’s no reason why boys of the same age can’t also enjoy this toy castle.

Basically, any youngster who still believes in the magic of the fairytale will love this.

Disney Princess Royal Castle (4)

Things to Consider Before Buying:

This won’t take up much in the way of floor space, so for those of you how like ‘neat’ and ‘compact’ toys for kids, then this is a keeper.

If you’re thinking this castle is made from plastic throughout, you’ll be mistaken.

While the outer frame is plastic, the inner walls aren’t. Instead they’re made from a toughened cardboard like material.

It shouldn’t be a deal breaker if you’re thinking of buying this Disney Princess Royal Castle.

It just means that the castle is better suited for indoor play, away from anything that’s likely to wet or warp the cardboard.

Disney Princess Royal Castle

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Team KiLTS

A bunch of cool aunts (and the odd uncle) who love scouring the Internet to seek out sweet 'finds' for the kiddos.

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