8 Fabulous Disney Frozen Elsa Dresses (6 You Can Make Yourself) and 1 DIY Frozen Cape
Where do you go to find a Disney Frozen Elsa dress these days?
You know, one that’s ideally in stock… and at the regular price. Not one of those $1000 or £600 dresses which have been selling for ransom of late. $1000 for a kids party frock? That’s some expensive Disney Frozen gift!
A case of supply and demand gone crazy, but yes, there are some folks who’ll shell out for that, mostly because they haven’t the time to look for alternatives.
You’re probably here because you’d rather have the alternatives. That’s a good thing, because I’ve found a few for you.
Straight up – most of the dresses below will involve getting handy with a sewing machine – kinda daunting if you’re not a seamstress in any way, shape or form.
But hang tight because I’ve included a couple of ready made Frozen dresses too.
4 DIY Disney Frozen Elsa Dresses
One super adorable Queen Elsa Frozen dress, hand sewn with a full skirt and ruffles. We like ruffles! Carissa Miss offers a detailed tutorial on how you can make a dress like this for your little girl.
Handicraftiness made this beautiful gown and it’s totally fit for a Frozen queen. It’s shimmery with sequin detailing and cute little snowflakes that finish the dress of perfectly.
This Elsa dress by 733 Blog is a simple design that’s elegant and practical at the same time. It’ll work well for both young and older ‘princesses’ who want something a little less frilly.
You won’t believe how simple this dress is to make. If you’re part of the ‘can’t sew, won’t sew’ brigade you’ll LOVE this easy to follow dress tutorial from Catching Up With Kate, just as much as your little girl will love wearing it.
2 Disney Frozen Elsa Dress Patterns to Buy
I found these Frozen patterns on Craftsy. They’re really inexpensive. Go check them out:
Complete Disney Frozen Elsa Dress Pattern Set
1 DIY Disney Frozen Elsa Cape
I saw this Frozen cape by Tidbits for Makeit-Loveit and I just adored it so I added it to the list.
Once again it’s a very easy pattern to follow (hint: you won’t need to touch a sewing machine to make this).
2 Ready Made Frozen Elsa Dresses Online
Ok, ok, so sewing, really isn’t your thing. At all.
There’s still hope because there are a couple of beautiful Elsa dresses you can buy online for less than $50.
Last time I checked they were both on pre-order so hurry up to get your order secured.
The Frozen Elsa snow queen costume is available to buy on Amazon.com.
The Deluxe Frozen Elsa dress is available to buy on Amazon.com.
Want to see even more gorgeous Frozen dresses for the kids? Check out my newest Frozen dress finds.
Over to You
If you were brave enough to stitch together your own Disney Frozen dress. I take my hat off to you. Feel free to share your dress pictures here so others can check out your handiwork.
Speaking of sharing, if you know anyone who’s struggling to a find Disney Frozen Elsa Dress. Send them this way. Share the link and the love.