Christmas leggings for toddlers - stripey harem pants

Etsy Picks: 10 Super Adorable Christmas Leggings for Toddlers and Babies

Christmas mornings are the best when the kiddos come over to stay. And by kiddos I’m talking about my niece and nephews. The youngest one is going to be two in February, and we’re on the hunt for holiday themed PJs and Christmas pants. Cute stuff that also happens to be comfy to wear. Christmas…

17 Warm, Fuzzy and Totally Cute Christmas Pajamas for Kids

17 Warm, Fuzzy and Totally Cute Christmas Pajamas for Kids

We don’t know who gets the most excited about snuggling into a warm set of Christmas jammies – the kids or their parents. What we do know is there are some seriously adorable Christmas pajamas for kids this season. We’ve pick out 17 holiday faves. Perfect for upping the anticipation of the big day (and…

These Father-Daughter Shirts Are as Sweet as Can Be

These Father-Daughter Shirts Are as Sweet as Can Be

We totally dig father-daughter shirts. The funnier and cuter, the better. With Father’s Day whizzing up real fast, what better way to make a declaration of father-daughter love, than to kit them out in adorable matching shirts for the day. That’s not to say that a daddy-daughter shirt is just for Father’s Day. Everyday can…

Adorable Winter Gloves by Mittyz. A Real Cinch for Kids to Wear

Adorable Winter Gloves by Mittyz. A Real Cinch for Kids to Wear

It’s great fun planning an outdoor trip with the kiddos on a snow ridden wintery day. But when it comes to getting the young’uns to wrap up warm, it can be an exasperating experience. At least with my lot, that is. They hear the words ‘play outside’ and ‘snow’ and that’s it. Hyperactivity rules over…

Toddler birthday shirts for kids aged 1 to 6

Cool Toddler Birthday Shirts Without the Cheesy Slogans

LookieLooLoo has the most adorable collection of toddler birthday shirts that I’ve seen in a long while (although the shirts go up to age six, so not strictly just toddler). The cool thing about these unisex birthday t-shirts is that they’re understated, but in a way that little kids can appreciate. If you’re not a…