Gifts for 7 year olds - 7 year old girl and boy arms crossed

Gifts for 7 Year Olds: 16 Cool Ideas for Christmas This Year

Most 7 year olds already have a good idea of what they like. That said, they’re at that age where they’re still exploring their interests. And that is what makes buying gifts for 7 year olds a lot of fun. So many awesome things to choose from. Don’t stress about whether or not they’re too…

Gifts for 9 year olds - 9 year old girl holding Christmas gift

Great Gifts for 9 Year Olds: 13 Cool Christmas Gift Ideas for Boys and Girls

You’ve got a 9 year old niece or nephew and Christmas is just around the corner. You need to find some super cool gift ideas for them, but you’re not quite sure what they’d like. Your 9 year old is on the brink of adolescence. He or she is way more independent than ever before…

Taking pictures at Christmas
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Gift Ideas for 10 Year Olds: 15 Cool Ideas for Birthdays and Christmas

You’re looking for cool gift ideas for 10 year olds. Yeah, we know that struggle. 10 year olds can be the hardest to buy for. They’ve hit double digits in age and are starting to show less of an interest in toys. The thing is though; they’re still young enough to enjoy ‘little kid’ things…

kids holding a stocking

19 Inexpensive Stocking Stuffers for Kids Aged 4 to 12 Years Old

Do you have an ever increasing brood of nieces, nephews and godchildren? Then I totally feel you when it comes to choosing the best Christmas gifts for them. You’re no scrooge. You enjoy spoiling the munchkins and getting cool stuff they love, but that wallet of yours is not a bottomless pit. So what do…