Cargo Line: Colorful, Functional Kids Furniture by Studio Delle Alpi

If you're on the look out for cute kids furniture pieces that you can easily mix and match, you may be interested in this latest find...

If you’re on the look out for kids furniture that’s cute and easily mix and matchable, you may be interested in my latest find. Cargo Line – a set of playful storage units designed by Studio Delle Alpi, an up and coming design house in central Europe.

The units are screen printed, modular and simple in style. They come in two parts that fit neatly together; a plywood box, complete with sliding door which is handy for storing toys and other knick knacks, plus a wooden trailer. Very useful for transporting playthings and other room debris with ease.

Cargo Line Storage

If you're on the look out for cute kids furniture pieces that you can easily mix and match, you may be interested in this latest find...

If you're on the look out for cute kids furniture pieces that you can easily mix and match, you may be interested in this latest find...

If you're on the look out for cute kids furniture pieces that you can easily mix and match, you may be interested in this latest find...

Toy storage box, spare cabinet or stylish bedroom side table? Cargo Line units are all three rolled into a neat little package.

If you're on the look out for cute kids furniture pieces that you can easily mix and match, you may be interested in this latest find...

Alas, these colorful kiddie furnishings aren’t on the market yet. Studio Delle Alpi are planning to launch Cargo Line sometime towards the end of 2015. So be on the lookout!

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