Hey, hey I’ve found a bunch of fun and fabulous recycled crafts for kids using everyday materials that you’d otherwise trash.
But, please don’t read this is you’re a chronic horder. I don’t want to get the blame for you never being able to throw anything out again. 🙂
Everyone else… Read. Create. Enjoy!
Recycled Crafts for Kids
Little Monsters

Have your kids make their very own army of little monsters… from empty toilet paper rolls.
I love the goofy expressions on the faces of these characters as well as the detailing on their ‘heads’.
I’m pretty sure your kids will have a blast with this craft by Alisa Burke.
Recycled Cardboard Box Car

Vroom, vroom get out the way – crazy cardboard obsessed kid coming through.
Now this is an interesting way to transform a drab cardboard box into something a little more exciting for the toddlers. Craftulate makes this recycled craft project look real easy in a fab tutorial.
Mr Recycle Head Man

This is one cool way to reuse old tin cans.
Just add a face, pipe cleaner arms, funny little clown feet and you’re pretty much good to go.
Delia Creates breaks down the instructions on how to make these adorable tin men.
 Recycled Egg Carton Catepillar

Take an empty carton of eggs and turn it into something cute.
That’s what Creative Green Living did and they came up with this not so creepy looking caterpillar.
Do you think you’re kids will enjoy making their very own recycled caterpillar? Yeah. I think they will too.
 Pocket Pals

Recycle your old wine corks and turn them into a cute craft project for the kids.
Creative MollyMoo did just that with these adorable miniature creatures. The tutorial is simple to follow so your child will be able to make their favorite animals with ease.
Recycled Demin Beads

This used to be a pair of old jeans. Now it’s one awesome recycled craft idea for kids.
Crafts By Amanda walks you through the steps of creating an eye catching set of ‘beads’ that you or your kids can wear as a necklace or a bracelet.
Wooden Spoon Dolls

Instead of throwing out those used wooden spoons, turn them into pretty little fashionista dolls.
Dress them in cute paper outfits and give them a personality all of their own. That’s exactly what Love from Ginger did.
Over to You
Have you made any of your own recycled crafts for kids lately?
I’d love to see what you came up with so share in the comments below or shoot me an email and I may just feature them in the future. 🙂
Thanks so much for featuring my denim beads, love the other ideas too! 🙂
My pleasure Amanda. Thank you for stopping by.